Applying for your visa as a Chevening Scholar

Our guidance on the student visa application process and other immigration options.

As a Chevening Scholar, you will need to apply for your own student visa. Follow the guidance provided here carefully.

The good news is that you don’t need to pay the visa fee or the Immigration Health Surcharge. Follow our step-by-step guide carefully to bypass these fees.  

For Chevening Fellows, please note that different visa requirements will apply. Details will be communicated in your pre-departure Fellowgram after you receive your Final Award Letter. 

Four steps to take before you apply for your visa

Click on the expanding arrows to reveal the four steps you need to take before you start your student visa application.

Your FAL will be issued to you by your British embassy or high commission in July or August.

Your CAS will be issued by your university.

You will need both your CAS and your FAL to apply for your visa. Questions about your CAS and other steps in the visa application process are answered in our guidance on applying for a student visa.

Ready to apply for your visa?

You must apply online. 

Make sure you: 

  • Complete all sections of the form fully, honestly, and accurately. 
  • Provide evidence in the exact format required by UK Visas and Immigration (UKVI). 

Other immigration options

Most Chevening Scholars need to apply for a student visa, but depending on your circumstances, there may be other suitable immigration options for you. To find out more about immigration or get confirmation of the visa type you should apply for, contact the Welfare and Immigration team at  

Please note that the team cannot provide immigration advice to your family or friends, and they can’t apply for your visa for you. 

Immigration advice in the UK is regulated by the Office of the Immigration Services Commissioner (OISC) and the Chevening team’s advisors are accredited to give immigration advice under the OISC guidelines. 

For more information: 

Accessible versions of visa support documents:

Your Biometric Residence Permit (BRP)

Once your visa has been approved, you’ll get a biometric resident permit (BRP) which can be used to prove that you legally study in the UK. Read further information about your BRP below.

Read about your BRP

Visa support resources