South Asia Journalism Fellowship (SAJP)

Hosted by the University of Westminster

Closed for applications

The Chevening South Asia Journalism Fellowship (SAJP) is aimed at mid-career journalists from South Asian countries including Afghanistan, Bangladesh, India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, and the Maldives.

The fellowship is hosted by the University of Westminster.

This fellowship is funded by the UK Foreign, Commonwealth, and Development Office.

Programme structure

Fellows will undertake a bespoke 8-week fellowship titled ‘Good Governance in a Changing World: the Media, Politics and Society’. The programme explores the different ways in which the media play a part in holding democratic processes to account, including government, the civil service and security, as well as the broader political system in both the South Asia region and the UK.

During this programme, fellows will explore the range of approaches taken by the UK and the South Asia region, and then use that knowledge to direct discussions that tackle the big issues challenging the field. Fellows will be challenged to discuss evidence-based context for key policy debates, understand international positions (including appreciation of UK approaches), supply practical experience, and encourage dialogue on key issues.

The curriculum focuses on the ways in which the media are held responsible, and the wider context within which political institutions operate. The ethics of reporting are at the heart of all debates.

The programme will run from May-June and during this time fellows will participate in lectures, visits, and discussions that introduce them to key UK academics, media, and political figures in the field. They will also meet peers in some of the UK’s top media organisations, as well as organise a symposium on a topic of their choice in the final week.

Applications are closed

Subscribe to the Alphagram for more information or view the application placement timeline below.



Each fellowship includes:

  • Full programme fees
  • Living expenses for the duration of the fellowship
  • Return economy airfare from your country of residence to the UK


To be eligible for a Chevening South Asia Journalism Fellowship, you must:

  • Be a citizen of Afghanistan (please see note below on additional eligibility criteria), Bangladesh, India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, or the Maldives
  • Return to your country of citizenship at the end of the period of the fellowship
  • Have a postgraduate level qualification (or equivalent professional training or experience in a relevant area) at the time of application
  • Have at least seven years’ work experience prior to applying
  • Be a mid-career journalist working in the political or economic sectors in one of the above-mentioned countries
  • Have a good working knowledge of English to be assessed in your application form and if you are invited to interview
  • Not hold British or dual-British citizenship
  • Agree to adhere to all relevant guidelines and expectations of the fellowship
  • Not be an employee, a former employee, or relative* of an employee of His Majesty’s Government, or have been within the last two years from the opening of Chevening applications (including the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office, all British Embassies/High Commissions, the Home Office, the Ministry of Defence, the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy, the Department for International Trade and the UKVI), the British Council, a sponsoring UK university, or a staff member of the Association of Commonwealth Universities.

Additional eligibility criteria for Afghanistan applicants

The UK Government and Chevening are fully committed to the safety and security of Afghans residing in Afghanistan.

The FCDO has completed a full assessment of the viability of offering eligible Afghans the opportunity to apply for a 2025/2026 Chevening Award. We have concluded that prospective applicants currently residing in Afghanistan would likely face serious security risks, and financial and logistical implications, over which the UK Government has no control.

As a result, we are offering Afghans, resident outside of Afghanistan, the opportunity to apply for a Chevening Scholarship or Fellowship to study in the UK.

For the 2025/2026 academic year, we will only be able to accept applications from Afghans who are resident in a UK Overseas Development Aid eligible countrywhere we run Chevening, other than Afghanistan.

This decision will be kept under review for the 2026/2027 academic year.

If you choose to apply for a Chevening Scholarship or Fellowship you acknowledge the following:

  1. Applicants for Afghan Chevening Awards will be expected to provide proof they are legally resident in an ODA eligible country other than Afghanistan.
  2. A Chevening Fellowship is not an offer of resettlement to the UK and participants will be expected to follow standard Chevening policy once they’ve completed their studies.

Application timeline

Key dates for the Chevening SAJP Fellowship

Applications open at 12:00 BST 6 August 2024
Applications close at 12:00 GMT 10 October 2024
Applications are sifted against eligibility criteria From 6 November 2024
Reading Committee assessments

Independent reading committees assess all eligible applications. Their scores and rankings are then passed back to local British embassies/high commissions.

October to November 2024
Applicants shortlisted for interviews

Once the embassy/high commission has reviewed the applications, they produce a shortlist of those who they will invite to interview. Notifications will then follow.

December 2024
References and education documents deadline 12 December 2024
Interviews take place

Candidates from all over the world are interviewed by panels at British embassies and high commissions.

January 2025
Results announced January 2025
2025/26 Chevening South Asia Journalism Fellowship runs. April/May – June 2025

Please note this timeline is subject to change.

The SAJP Fellowship is structured in a way that exposes you to different points of views to learn, research, absorb, think, and widen your own outlook and worldview. The free flow nature of the programme provides a conducive atmosphere for varied perspectives from the participants to come to the forefront and the participants themselves are a diverse mix. It is an enriching experience to collaborate with them on projects, spend time together, share lighter moments, and really learn from each other’s experiences. At an individual level, the fellowship also provides enough scope to explore ideas you are either passionate about, or discover topics that you want to learn about and normally don’t get the time to research or develop.

Sonia Bhaskar
Chevening South Asia Journalism Programme (SAJP) Fellow


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