All Chevening Applications undergo a rigorous review and selection process.

Applications are first sifted and checked by the Chevening Secretariat against initial eligibility criteria.

Initial eligibility criteria includes ensuring applicants have:

  • An undergraduate degree qualification
  • At least two years’ work experience

Applications are then individually reviewed by independent reading committees who score applications against FCDO, Chevening, and regional objectives, and the potential of the candidate to meet those objectives.

Reading committees want to see that applicants have:

  1. Influenced the opinion of others in a professional context or voluntary organisation. Applicants will provide at least one detailed example of influencing others to achieve something. They will evidence the steps they took and give details about the result. Above all, they will show a real determination to achieve.
  2. Experience building professional relationships. Applicants will share their ideas for engaging with networks, including Chevening, in future. Outstanding answers will share how they used their networking skills to achieve a positive outcome.
  3. Professional or academic experience. Applicants will demonstrate knowledge of their chosen course and universities. They will provide a good rationale for studying on the chosen three courses and universities, linking them to their relevant experiences so far.
  4. Given real thought to how they will achieve their career goals. Reading committees are looking for detailed short-term, mid-term and long-term goals. These goals should be SMART: specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and timely.

Next steps

Applications are then considered by academic advisers, usually from UK institutions, who assess whether the candidate has the relevant background and experience to complete the selected course, and check whether the university has strength in the relevant subject area.

Candidates are scored and a longlist is presented to the local British embassy/high commission, who interview and select final candidates along with the local partner organisation.

Some partnerships may vary slightly from this model, with applications considered by the partner (although still in concert with the FCDO/Chevening objectives and the eligibility criteria).