Volunteering Awards Ceremony

At the end of the year, we calculate the total number of hours that scholars have recorded. An Awards Ceremony will be organised in the summer for the scholars who have contributed the most time to volunteering activities throughout the year.

You will be working towards achieving either a bronze, silver or gold award, depending on the total number of volunteering hours accumulated from October until April.

  • Bronze Award for 25 hours
  • Silver Award for 75 hours
  • Gold Award for 100 hours

There is no obligation to earn one of these awards – we want to hear about any and all volunteering, no matter how big or small.

There will also be separate awards for scholars who have shown a particular dedication in volunteering within the following categories:

  • Animal Welfare
  • Education
  • Environment
  • Health and Disability
  • People

We will only calculate the total number of hours logged by each scholar once the volunteering record log has closed.

You will need to keep your own record of the number of hours that you have volunteered should you wish to know how many hours you have contributed to volunteering in total.

The top volunteers will be contacted directly about the awards ceremony. If you are not contacted by the end of May, please assume that you have not achieved one of the awards.

More on volunteering