Social media and messaging policy
The spirit of Chevening is about developing bonds, intercultural understanding, and intellectual curiosity through the exchange of ideas, opportunities, knowledge, and experiences. In order to maintain this spirit, we ask that our scholars, fellows, and alumni adhere to certain good practices and conventions of polite and constructive discourse.
Chevening has a range of social media platforms for scholars and alumni to interact with. You can find us on:
Chevening Awards (FCDO) Facebook page | Our official page |
Chevening Awards: Class of [insert year] Facebook group | Private group for current cohort of scholars and fellows |
Official Chevening Community Group Facebook group | Private group for all Cheveners past and present |
@CheveningFCDO X page | Our official account |
Chevening Awards LinkedIn page | Our official page |
Official Chevening Alumni Network LinkedIn group | Private group for all Cheveners past and present |
@CheveningFCDO Instagram account | Our official account |
We very much look forward to receiving your comments and participation in discussions, and we encourage open, lively debate. However, we do ask that our scholars, fellows, and alumni adhere to certain good practices and conventions of polite and constructive discourse.
Please note that in some countries you may not wish to make your association with Chevening public. Please consider the context in your own country carefully before posting about your award or your life in the UK on social media.
The spirit
As a Chevening Awardee, you belong to a unique group of future leaders from around the world who have personally been selected by the UK government to study in the UK. As such, you also become something of an ambassador for your own country and community whilst in the UK. The spirit of Chevening is about developing bonds, intercultural understanding, and intellectual curiosity through the respectful exchange of ideas, opportunities, knowledge, and experiences.
Chevening Awardees come from all walks of life, so please be mindful of statements, comments, articles, or even jokes which may have the potential cause offence to your peers. Please conduct yourself online as you would in person – if you think something would be offensive face-to-face, it is likely that it will still be offensive online.
The terms of use outlined below form part of the Chevening terms and conditions that you agreed to abide by when you accepted your Chevening Award.
The terms of use
- You should not publish content that:
1.1. May be seen as abusive, obscene, indecent, or offensive. This includes:
1.1.1. Publishing offensive or derogatory content relating to sex, gender, race, nationality, disability, sexual orientation, religion/beliefs, age, or any other such trait
1.1.2. Publishing content that is insulting, hateful, defamatory, threatening, discriminatory, or pornographic
1.1.3. Behaving in a bullying, intimidating, or harassing manner towards other users, organisations, or page administrators
1.2. Contains, or alludes to, unlawful material
1.3. Encourages anyone to act in contravention of the terms of their award
1.4. Constitutes spam or promotes or advertises products that have little relevance to the spirit and purpose of the group
1.5. Associates the Chevening Secretariat, the FCDO or its embassies/high commissions, or universities with personal views or comments
- The Chevening Secretariat will determine whether content contravenes any of the above terms.
- Content that contravenes any of the above terms will be removed by the Chevening Secretariat from spaces that the Secretariat administers.
- We will not edit any of your comments. If you post content that contravenes these guidelines, and we have to remove it, we will contact you to explain why. Transgressors may face disciplinary action, which could range from an official warning to the revocation of your award.
- You should always be aware of maintaining security and take the necessary precautions when using social media and messaging platforms. Be mindful that any content which is posted on such platforms – even within closed spaces – may make it into the public domain.
- The Chevening Secretariat reserves the right to use content posted in the Facebook group for marketing or promotional purposes. As a matter of principle, we will always attempt to contact the original poster to seek permission prior to using content from closed groups. We will regularly and spontaneously share our favourite and relevant content from awardees’ Twitter and Instagram feeds.
- You are not permitted to create a Chevening group, page, profile, or website on any online platform. This extends to the use of the word ‘Chevening’ or its derivatives in the name of any group, page, profile, domain, etc., and use of the logo. You are not permitted to use the Chevening logo without our explicit, written consent. You are encouraged to add Chevening to your online bios and profiles if you would like to. If you wish to use the Chevening name or branding in any other manner, please contact your programme officer first for permission.
- If you take it upon yourself to administer an unofficial online group containing members of the Chevening community, you also assume responsibility for ensuring that the spirit of the Chevening programme is upheld in those spaces.
- We may at any time, and without notice to you, revise this policy.