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April, the month of many firsts

project, I’m hoping to attend a few more Chevening events to meet more Cheveners in a more intimate setting. I have experienced this previously at the Collaborative Leadership event at...

Chevener gets a buzz from volunteering: scholar interview

about the project you volunteered for. I volunteered for over 120 hours for Sheffield SEED Project ( I worked on a student’s engagement project on my university campus. This was...

My Chevening Month: An amazing opportunity

projects and apply the knowledge we’ve given. Service Design Meetup night! 🙂 #ServiceDesign #CheveningSMA #MyCheveningJourney A photo posted by @xime_matusb on Nov 18, 2015 at 11:23am PST Each university offers...

The Chevening guide to shaping policy

Learn how to navigate the policy landscape and seize opportunities to make a lasting impact with these six key steps to help you influence policy....

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